Stacy on the Right
Righteously American
We found 10 episodes of Stacy on the Right with the tag “society”.
Episode 554: Hello. NOTHING, meet the Democrats friend BURGER.
Episode | September 25th, 2019 | 53 mins 21 secs
culture, interesting, news, politics, society, truth
On impeachment we are in the land of Plan B, Nothing Burger Central, kindly disembark your Clown Car! The so called whistle blower is just a set up - as Blasey-Ford was to Kavanaugh, as the Russian Dossier was to Candidate Trump - this is the Dems plans B.
Think about it, the progressive slate of candidates are non-starters. Each one worse than the one before.
They cannot best Trump on the issues. So they launch an impeachment inquiry. Do not allow this deflection tactic to work.
They hope to tank the economy and hobble Trumps re-election prospects.
Read the transcript. Notice the talking heads already pivoting to another misdirect. They have nothing to run on.
Episode 552: Socialism is totally incompatible with Christianity
Episode | September 23rd, 2019 | 53 mins 21 secs
culture, interesting, news, politics, society, truth
Hey everyone!! I'm back!! Thank God for a respite - a time to recharge and get my self TOGETHER!!! So I did. But I missed y'all greatly.
Today we went into all of the reasons that socialism is neither biblical nor compatible with Christianity.Also, did you know that Lt. Worf can fly fighter jets in real life? Yah baby. Also if you have $8.5 mill laying about you can purchase your very own F-16. In my dreams I own one and fly it around every weekend!!! Take that Socialists!!!
Today we went into all of the reasons that socialism is neither biblical nor compatible with Christianity. -
Episode 551: POLL: Blacks feel ignored by Dems
Episode | September 16th, 2019 | 53 mins 21 secs
culture, interesting, news, politics, society, truth
The poll has valuable information but I suspect it is only a tool by which activists can attempt to motivate Democrats into action. As a party, as individuals, they will never enact policies that actually help impoverished people. If they ever had intentions on doing so they would have already accomplished SOMETHING!
Leana Wen isn't going down without a fight - Planned Parenthood shouldn't have come for this chick.Russia actually pulled off a huge data breach on American soil., while Obama was president y'all.
Also, a transgender gets sacked for yelling at a conservative eating a crepe.
Episode 550: Another Democratic Debate Night!!!
Episode | September 12th, 2019 | 53 mins 21 secs
culture, interesting, men, metoo, news, politics, society, truth, women
What will the Dems present Americans with tonight? Will they have vision? Will they offer us a clear alternative to the Trump American Success Model?
SPACECOM is an actual thing (another promise made promise kept) and there are additional steps that we must take to make it a viable reality. Please read and share my latest op ed.
Episode 549: Remembering 9/11
Episode | September 11th, 2019 | 53 mins 21 secs
culture, interesting, news, politics, society, truth
Today we remember the Islamic terror attacks on September 11th, 2001
Son of 911 victim wears "Some People Did Something" shirt and rips Ilhan Omar for her stupidity.
Democrats running from the results of their own voting habits are ruining a great state- Texas.
Gun sales surge by 15% due to gun control proposals by Pelosi and Schumer.
Reporters are angry that Trump is painting new border wall matte black.
Episode 548: President Trump Social Media App? YES Please!!!
Episode | September 10th, 2019 | 53 mins 21 secs
culture, interesting, news, politics, society, truth
Overly sensitive Democrats still can't tell when Trump is egging them on! This time he's floating a third presidential term and the libs are totally triggered.
Filed under "It's about time!!" President Trump will launch his own social media network via an app, once it goes live you know I'm on there!!
Rand Pauls neighbor got off with little more than a slap for putting the Senator from Kentucky in the hospital, and now an appellate court plans to make all things right.
Ohio has a whopping 26 unPlanned Parenthood Clinics. Two of them are closing due to the reduction in taxpayer funding. Obviously this is a time to rejoice and pray for God to move again. Only 24 more clinics to go.
Episode 547: Does it matter if NFL players are gay?
Episode | September 9th, 2019 | 53 mins 21 secs
culture, interesting, news, politics, society, truth
I say it doesn't matter. The NFL's ratings haven't yet recovered from that nasty bout of Kaepernick... Over 6 million Americans have dropped off of the welfare rolls in the Trump economy. Isn't that just wonderful? So why isn't the media crowing over the good news? Because they don't want Americans to be self sufficient.
Episode 546: Dr. Walter E. Williams joins the show
Episode | September 6th, 2019 | 53 mins 6 secs
culture, interesting, news, politics, society, truth
We have an extended chat with Dr. Williams. It was an honor for me to speak with him. Please read and share his latest column which is linked below!
We round out the show with a couple of stories of social media giant law breaking!!
Episode 545: What to expect in Washington this fall... #Campaign2020
Episode | September 5th, 2019 | 53 mins 21 secs
culture, interesting, news, politics, society, truth
We cover the Mehlman Castagnette Rosen & Thomas Fall 2019 Look Ahead!!
Why do we allow sin to rob us of who we are in Christ?
Storytime: How did I transition from dyed in the wool Democrat to Biblical Worldview Conservative Christian?
Episode 544: Will the real "SEMI- Assault" Rifle please stand up?
Episode | September 3rd, 2019 | 53 mins 21 secs
culture, interesting, news, politics, society, truth
Using the correct terminology about guns would go a long way in furthering the discussion. So whenever you're asked why you don't support confiscating guns or why you're okay with civilians having "military styled assault rifles" get busy spreading the truth!!
Wage Gains under Trump are YUGE!
Sanctuary City declarations bring crime.