Stacy Washington
Host of Stacy on the Right
Stacy Washington is the host of Stacy on the Right on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125, airing nightly from 9pm - midnight eastern standard time. Stacy is an Emmy Nominated TV personality and documentarian, serving as host of Missouri, Best in the Midwest.
Stacy is a decorated Air Force Veteran (and the fourth generation to serve in the armed forces in her family). While on Active Duty she was awarded the Air Force Achievement Medal, Air Force Training Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award and the Air Force Good Conduct Medal.
Stacy is the 2nd Amendment Foundations’s 2018 Journalist of the Year. Stacy is an NRA member and supporter of the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, qualifying at the Marksman designation while on active duty in the Air Force.
Stacy served as co-chairwoman of the Project 21 National Advisory Council of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Stacy served as co-chair of the presidential advisory board, Black Voices for Trump and was a member of Women for Trump and Veterans for Trump advisory boards.
Stacy is a nationally recognized public speaker having spoken at the Western Conservative Summit, Thrive Annual Dinner, Federated Republican Women's Club of Conway Arkansas, Washington University’s Lifelong Learning Institute, St. Louis University, and the University of Missouri.
Stacy served as the Executive Director of MoveOnUp.org, and was an elected member of her local school district’s Board of Education serving as a Director and Vice President. Stacy’s father served as an Army Police Officer and her mother worked as a Budget Analyst for the federal government. They raised Stacy and her sister in Germany. Stacy has traveled to Saudi Arabia, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, France, England, and the Netherlands.
Stacy Washington has hosted 830 Episodes.
Episode 834: Monologue: STOP Talking About Race and DEI Instead of Inflation, the Border, Crime and Endless War
Episode | July 31st, 2024 | 15 mins 8 secs
book club, faith, interesting, politics, society, world views
The Harris campaign is successfully forcing republicans to talk about race and gender instead of the issues that Americans are facing. Do not fall for this! Tune in to hear my thoughts.
Episode 833: Why are there Rape Trees along the US Southern Border?
Episode | March 12th, 2024 | 15 mins 5 secs
book club, faith, interesting, politics, society, world views
Stacy explains why it doesn't matter who the Democrats run against President Trump, why there are Rape Trees along the US Southern Border and more.
Episode 832: Stacy interview's the 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump
Episode | September 5th, 2023 | 16 mins 44 secs
book club, faith, interesting, politics, society, trump, world views
President Trump joined me for a chat about his family, what drives him to continue on in the face of such evil opposition and a lighthearted discussion of his favorite things.
Episode 831: Actor Kevin Sorbo on Masculinity
Episode | August 30th, 2023 | 20 mins 8 secs
book club, brave books, faith, interesting, kevin sorbo, ksorbs, politics, society, world views
Kevin Sorbo joined me to chat about how to return to a natural promotion of masculinity, and his new children's book "The Test of Lionhood."
Episode 830: Hunter Biden's Plea Deal Falls Apart,
Episode | August 15th, 2023 | 42 mins 59 secs
faith, interesting, politics, society
Bobby joined me to chat about Hunter Biden, Jason Aldean's anthem about small towns and other news of the day in a wide ranging interview on basically everything!
Episode 829: Dr. Gad Saad's fantastic new book is out: "The Saad Truth about Happiness: 8 Secrets for Leading the Good Life"
Episode | August 5th, 2023 | 28 mins 25 secs
faith, interesting, politics, society
The Saad Truth about Happiness is as lively, stimulating, and captivating as its author, who has become a "de facto global therapist" to an ever-growing audience of hundreds of thousands of people. Read this book and you’ll see why so many seek his counsel.
Episode 828: Tim Ballard joins Stacy on his blockbuster film Sound of Freedom
Episode | July 20th, 2023 | 20 mins 36 secs
faith, interesting, politics, society
Tim opened up about the backstory behind the film and why it sat on a shelf owned by Disney for 5 years before we could see it in a theater.
Episode 827: Joel C Rosenberg
Episode | May 27th, 2023 | 22 mins 39 secs
faith, interesting, politics, society
Joel C. Rosenberg - New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestselling author, and author of “The Libyan Diversion” (@JoelCRosenberg)
Episode 826: Cal Thomas joins Stacy to discuss his new book, "A Watchman in the Night."
Episode | May 18th, 2023 | 28 mins 1 sec
faith, interesting, politics, society
Syndicated columnist and pundit Cal Thomas is out with a new book, "A Watchman in the Night." In his latest book, Cal looks at fifty years of covering American social, cultural and political currents in Cal’s humorous and insightful style. Cal examines decades of his own decades of reporting and covering the changing political landscape against the backdrop of an unchanging principles.
Episode 825: James Rosen, White House Correspondent, Author of "Scalia: Rise to Greatness"
Episode | March 10th, 2023 | 19 mins 25 secs
antonin scalia, faith, interesting, james rosen, politics, scotus
James Rosen joined me on his amazing new book, the only positive autobiographical account of the life of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia written to date. We had such a great time chatting about his personal interactions with his friend! Please listen and share the podcast!! God Bless You, Stacy
Episode 824: James Carafano of Heritage explains the importance of the spy balloon
Episode | February 14th, 2023 | 31 mins 50 secs
faith, interesting, politics, society, spy balloon
Jay joined me to discuss the five Chinese Intelligence failures that are even more dangerous than the Chinese spy balloon traversing the entire country collecting intelligence.
This is an excerpt from SOTR on SXM! -
Episode 823: Lynne Patton is Senior Advisor on the Trump 2024 Campaign
Episode | January 12th, 2023 | 31 mins 53 secs
faith, interesting, politics, society
This is an excerpt from SOTR on SXM - Lynne joined to share her thoughts on the passing of Diamond of the famed Trump supporting duo Diamond and Silk.
Episode 822: Is welfare a deterrent to marriage? A discussion about the success of traditional living.
Episode | January 11th, 2023 | 32 mins 41 secs
faith, interesting, politics, society
This is an excerpt from SOTR on SXM ---> Delano Squires is a Research Fellow at the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family at the Heritage Foundation. Delano is a cultural commentator and standard bearer for the biblical worldview and Christ like living. Find him on twitter (@DelanoSquires)
Episode 821: California is now openly promoting and protecting the gender mutilation of children.
Episode | January 9th, 2023 | 21 mins 24 secs
faith, interesting, politics, society
In this SXM Replay: Terry Shilling joined me to describe how Governor Newsom isn't even trying to hide the evil happening within his own state. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed SB 107, into law. The law is effective on January 1, 2023; and “would prohibit a provider of health care, a health care service plan, or a contractor from releasing medical information related to a person or entity allowing a child to receive gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care in response to a criminal or civil action, including a foreign subpoena, based on another state’s law that authorizes a person to bring a civil or criminal action against a person or entity that allows a child to receive gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care.”
Episode 820: Music makes the heart merry!
Episode | January 3rd, 2023 | 13 mins 39 secs
faith, interesting, music arts, worship
Camisha Chambers is the Executive Director of the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts. She wrote her dissertation on the healing effects of music. A great way to start the year off, focused on healing and praising God!!
Episode 819: The So Called Respect for Marriage Act is an Attack on Religious Liberty
Episode | December 20th, 2022 | 18 mins 24 secs
fossil fuels, gas, interesting, oil
Timothy Head, Executive Director, Faith & Freedom Coalition joined to explain all of the details left out of the media coverage of this dastardly piece of legislation.