Stacy on the Right
Righteously American
Episodes and Blog Entries
Episode 623: Never again: 2411 Fetal remains buried in a mass grave in Indiana
Episode | February 12th, 2020 | 9 mins 58 secs
black history month, culture, interesting, lifezette, mass graves, news, politics, slavery, society, truth
After being found stacked up to the ceiling in an abortion doctor's garage. This wasn't the first time we have had to bury fetal remains (unborn babies, killed in the womb) in a mass grave because of the depravity of the abortion doctor who killed them. I pray it will be the last time.
Episode 622: Democrats fear end of days as Bernie Sanders edges closer to the nomination
Episode | February 12th, 2020 | 20 mins 37 secs
bernie sanders, culture, democrats, interesting, lifezette, news, politics, society, truth
Is James Carville being overly dramatic or is there a British Labor type smack down coming for the Democrats in November?
Drew Berquist of Lifezette TV joins the program to discuss!!!
Episode 621: Fake History and the Constitutional Value of a Black Person
Episode | February 3rd, 2020 | 27 mins 25 secs
black history month, culture, interesting, lifezette, news, politics, slavery, society, truth
Dr. Marilyn Singleton joins the program to discuss her latest op ed on the three fifths compromise and why we no longer need black history month.
Episode 620: Jay Z and Beyonce sat out the National Anthem at the Super Bowl
Episode | February 3rd, 2020 | 37 mins 20 secs
beyonce, culture, hunter biden, interesting, lifezette, national anthem protests, news, politics, society, traditional values, truth
Now that they have made their money using American values, they want to protest? Seems a bit hypocritical to me.
Episode 619: A timeline of the Biden's involvement in Ukraine
Episode | January 31st, 2020 | 59 mins 12 secs
culture, hunter biden, interesting, lifezette, news, politics, society, truth, ukraine
What brought us to the point of having our president impeached over a phone call with the president of Ukraine? Take a listen to find out.
Episode 618: Why is aggressive homelessness suddenly such an issue?
Episode | January 30th, 2020 | 37 mins 25 secs
culture, interesting, lifezette, news, politics, society, truth
Because Democrats are waging a nationwide campaign to make homelessness the norm. If it's normal and expected, then we cannot hold them accountable for running most of the areas plagued by joblessness and homelessness.
Episode 617: INTERVIEW: Michael Pack, Documentarian, producer director of Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words
Episode | January 29th, 2020 | 16 mins 2 secs
culture, interesting, lifezette, news, politics, society, truth
If you've read Justice Thomas's memoir, you know this is going to be such a treat. To hear him tell his story in his own voice, I cannot wait to watch!
Episode 616: BONUS!! Dems push to eliminate laws against Vagrancy - this time in St. Louis County!
Episode | January 29th, 2020 | 8 mins 48 secs
culture, interesting, lifezette, news, politics, society, truth
This is my interview on FM News Talk 97.1 in St. Louis about the vagrancy law issue the St. Louis County Council is considering!
Instead of eliminating laws that protect citizens against aggressive panhandling and violence, Democrats seek to eliminate the laws in favor of "decriminalizing poverty." Give me a break. This is just more nonsense!! -
Episode 615: Mayor Pete tells pro life Dems to shove it
Episode | January 27th, 2020 | 22 mins 6 secs
culture, interesting, lifezette, news, politics, society, truth
Democrats don’t care about 24 million pro-life voters because they will vote for the Democrats anyway! Ann Coulter has some ideas on how the Senate could better utilize their precious time.
Episode 614: Feminists are angry because men don't want to date them
Episode | January 24th, 2020 | 43 mins 48 secs
culture, interesting, lifezette, news, politics, society, truth
YAY!!! The audio is fixed!! We can live stream again!!!
President Trump is the first sitting president to attend the March for Life and speak there! What a great message that was today! -
Episode 613: The Ukraine Hoax: How Decades of Corruption in the Former Soviet Republic Led to Trump's Phony Impeachment
Episode | January 24th, 2020 | 20 mins 20 secs
culture, interesting, lifezette, news, politics, society, truth
Michael Caputo served as an advisor to President Trump and has a new documentary film coming out on One America News Now, "The Ukraine Hoax: How Decades of Corruption in the Former Soviet Republic Led to Trump's Phony Impeachment". He joins the program today to discuss the book and documentary.
Episode 612: Curtis Houck Editor in Chief of joins the program
Episode | January 23rd, 2020 | 17 mins 24 secs
culture, interesting, lifezette, news, politics, society, truth
Curtis breaks down impeachment and what to expect heading into President Trumps State Of The Union address!
Episode 611: Benjy Irby joins SOTR to discuss Impeachment and Trump 2020
Episode | January 22nd, 2020 | 16 mins 25 secs
culture, interesting, lifezette, news, politics, society, truth
LifezetteTV host Benjy Irby (Unpopular Opinion) joins us to discuss the folly of impeachment and the Democrats 2020 field imploding.
Episode 610: News you can use instead of impeachment
Episode | January 21st, 2020 | 11 mins 17 secs
culture, interesting, lifezette, news, politics, society, truth
There are things happening in the world today that have nothing to do with impeachment!
Episode 609: The Power to Change
Episode | January 6th, 2020 | 13 mins 12 secs
culture, fresh start, interesting, life coaching, lifezette, news, politics, society, truth
It's the new year and everyone is a certified life coach. They are all touting plans to help you "change your life" - but will it work? And how can we as Christians get lasting change?
Episode 608: What is your Intersectional (White) Privilege Score?
Episode | January 3rd, 2020 | 48 mins 48 secs
culture, interesting, lifezette, news, politics, society, truth
Well, you can find out!! White Privilege can be measured by a slider on a website my people!!! The silliness never ends with these folks.
Trump ordered the killing of a man responsible for the deaths and maiming of thousand of US troops. The issue for me is that we are still wasting time, money, blood and treasure in Afghanistan. Bring our troops home from there.