Stacy on the Right

Episode 627: Bloomberg not projected to win any states on Super Tuesday

February 17th, 2020

Mini Mike has dropped $417 million US. Dollars and will reportedly spend millions more before it's all over. Drudge reported that Mike is pining for Hillary to join the ticket as VP. Mike has a death wish. He also called Teachers Unions and the ACLU extremists back in the day.

In Cut 1, we hear Mini-mike describing how old people with cancer are bankrupting our medical system. He recommends blowing old cancer patients a kiss, instead of treating them. Of note: These four Democrat septagenarians all have cancer: Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Jimmy Carter, Harry Reid and John Lewis. I wonder how they feel about this idea?

Remember when Democrats created that commercial showing Paul Ryan pushing granny off a cliff? They were projecting back then too...

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-- Spiritual Encouragement --
God is greater than our heart and knows all things.
1 John 3:20

You and I are governed. The wearther determines what we wear. The terrain tells us how to travel. Gravity dictates our speed, and health determines our strength. We may challenge these forces and alter them slightly, but we never remove them.

God, our Shepherd - doesn't check the weather; He makes it. He doesn't defy gravity; He created it. God is what He is. What He has always been. God is Yahweh - an unchanging God, an uncaused God, and an ungoverned God. - Max Lucado

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