Stacy on the Right

Episode 581: Remain in Mexico Policy works wonders in reducing illegal inflow

November 4th, 2019

Televised impeachment proceedings? I wish they would. Of course the Dems will use their paid media arm to show only parts of what is said during testimony to paint the president as a horrible horrible criminal man.

For our part, we must be ever vigilant. When your coworker asks you how you can support Trump based on what has been shown on CNN, you very sweetly ask, "Can I interview you and then show only clips of what you said? No full questions and answers just what I want people to see. Is that okay with you?"

Most people can understand how unfair a proceeding is if it's framed in that light.

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Thanks and God Bless ya!!

-- Spiritual Encouragement --
Overcoming anxiety. This teaching is taken from the Freedom In Christ workbook (Authored by Neil Anderson) Phillipians 4:6 says be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication and thanksgiving make your requests known to God.

Here are the steps:

  1. Resolve any personal and spiritual conflicts.
  2. State the problem
  3. Divide the facts from the assumptions
  4. Determine what you have the right or ability to control.
  5. Fulfill your responsibilities
  6. Leave the rest up to God

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